Weight Loss: Don’t Fall for Fad Diets


A fad diet is gaining popularity, but very few people know that this diet is not worth making efforts for. According to recent research, the stats show that almost 69 percent of the fad diet fails to work and lead to bad health condition. It is a crash diet that cuts down your food and liquid intake for the fastest weight loss, but to know the details of all the disadvantages of going on a fad diet, stay with us till the end. 

Disadvantages of Going on Fad Diet

Here are the 5 major disadvantages of going on a fad diet. You should know about them before even trying it. Let’s get started with each one in detail. 

1. Dehydration

Dehydration is one of the biggest symptoms that you will feel while having a fad diet. It will surely be going to make you feel and look dull. Dehydration then leads to constipation, heart palpitations, stress, and many more kind of heart-related diseases. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of a fad diet. 

2. Fatigue and Weakness

Well, you are on a crash diet, so the symptoms of fatigue and weakness are obvious. You will feel lethargic by doing small things, you won’t be able to focus your mind because it is not enough fed with food you need, and ultimately lead to stress because it will ruin your work and study. 

3. Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are the most common fad diet disadvantages because when you are not taking in enough nutrition, the amount of liquid intake is limited, and also the food you take in is not very nutritive, then this will happen to you. So, if you are even thinking about starting the fad diet, never even try to go near it. 

4. Constipation

Due to a lack of water intake and liquids, constipation is the first outcome. Fad diet sharply limits the intake of liquids in the body that lead to dehydration and concentration of waste material, thus does not allow it to pass out easily. We all know that constipation is the root cause of so many health illnesses, so this is a very big disadvantage of having a fad diet. 

5. Inadequate Vitamin and Mineral Intake

Research suggests that a fad diet ultimately leads to a loss in essential minerals and vitamins in the body that can cause various health issues. Initially, the person might not feel the loss and would feel happy with fast weight loss, but in very short time starts to develop deficiency that leads to critical health condition. 


To conclude, simple advice for all the readers about health and weight management, and that is to adopt a simple balanced diet. It will work slow in losing your stubborn body fat, but surely it is going to keep you healthy during the process, and also will help you easily transform your body. In this way, it will stay with you for a lifetime without causing any side effects.